

Wide legged, just below the knee, weirdly shaped, and as some might argue somewhat unflattering. Ring a bell? No? Well I’m talking about “culottes”. Most people don’t know this, but culottes were first worn in the 20’s.  

Ryan Gosling?

They were worn by men up until the 30’s when women started wearing them. They came back into fashion in the 70's and then again in the 90's. Originating at the turn of the last century partly in response to the bicycle craze, culottes were designed as the ultimate skirt for a feminist or, basically, any woman who needed to ride a horse like an actual person.  

The Guardian also reminds us that in 1931, “fashion visionary” Elsa Schiaparelli adopted the style and, in doing so, “unified the British press: they hated it. Culottes as we know them were considered manly, with hints of lesbianism.”  

Culottes were initially called spilt or divided skirts. Over the years just as time would have it, fashion has evolved and new trends have come and gone. The thing about fashion is trends never die. They may fade but not die. And this is the case with the culottes. Although lurking in ignored sections of thrift stores everywhere for an extended time, decades later, and culottes are back in a big way and have been for a while now. But the way they are styled is totally different from the 70’s and 90’s why? Well because we not in the 70’s or 90’s. There are so many ways to style culottes and below is my take on how to style them and still look chic, swagged out, and not like you stuck in the past century.

“For the casual Monday look”. This look is perfect for those Mondays you are trying to achieve the cool but stylish girl look. Pair a simple top with your culottes. For this look; I of course had to go with my “Monday motivation” top.

“Girl’s brunch”. This look is perfect for a brunch or lunch date with your girls. It helps you achieve that easy going fresh stylish look without looking overdressed. Plus you can never look too stylish when it’s time for that selfie before you guys part ways

For a more formal look say for a presentation or meeting trying adding a blazer to the ensemble and viola!!!!!! instant modern day professional cool chic.

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